Today, many individuals reside far from natural environments, often experiencing a complete disconnection. In just two and a half centuries since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, we have fundamentally and irreversibly changed the natural world, setting ourselves apart from all other life forms on Earth. These alterations frequently result in severe consequences for ecosystems, subsequently impacting us. As humans, we are inherently intertwined with Nature. Our existence depends on the resources it provides oxygen to breathe, water to hydrate, food to nourish, and a climate that maintains essential bodily functions within a livable range. What sets us apart from other creatures is our capacity for reasoning, enabling us to ponder our past, present, and future, contemplate the workings of the world, our own identity, and how we can influence Nature. We are creative beings, capable of generating ideas, planning projects, and engaging in discourse on how to achieve our objectives. We've forged diverse cultures, each with its own principles, and devised countless solutions to enhance our daily lives. We, as humans, exert a greater influence on Earth than any other living entity. We reshape Nature, erecting vast cities and massive industrial complexes, constructing infrastructure, roads, and railways, clearing large tracts of land, and extracting colossal quantities of oil, gas, and fossil fuels to satisfy our insatiable energy demands. These actions have rendered our lives more comfortable, but the cost is high, as their consequences often impose a heavy toll on natural environments, climate, other life forms, and ultimately, ourselves. For these reasons, we bear a profound responsibility toward our "Mother Earth." Regrettably, many among us remain oblivious or disinterested, for these issues, if not experienced firsthand, may seem too abstract to significantly engage our consciences, viewed solely through television and computer screens. Today, our relationship with Nature is complex, characterized by a mix of emotions. It is imperative that we urgently (re)learn to respect and cherish Nature. ATELIER POSITIVE® takes this matter very seriously. As you will discern, we are committed to ensuring that every step in the creation of our products is conducted with the utmost care for Nature and Mother Earth. Our cosmetics embody a dedication to research and integrity. We firmly believe that well-being and planetary health are intertwined, not merely the outcome of individual choices. This awareness informs all our decisions and calls for innovation, as we seek to develop new products and services that align with a positive impact model, extending beyond financial metrics. We place great emphasis on our collaborators and the selection of stakeholders, as we strive to collaboratively shape sustainable business models while maintaining a vigilant eye on our surrounding environment. Among our objectives in our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) journey for 2030-2040, we aim to contribute to the attainment of global climate targets, as well as the preservation and rejuvenation of biodiversity. These are ambitious challenges, to which we are wholeheartedly committed through our choices and actions.